Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 6 January 2024

1. Overview

Welcome to Tool Sphere! At Tool Sphere, we are committed to safeguarding your privacy while providing a wide range of free tools. This Privacy Policy outlines the information we may collect, how we use it, and how we ensure the security of your data.

2. Information We Collect

3. How We Collect Information

We collect information through various means, such as website interactions and cookies, to improve our services.

4. Purpose of Data Collection

The information collected is used to enhance your user experience and improve our free tools.

5. Child Safety

Our website is free from NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content and is safe for children. It is also designed to cater to the needs of students.

6. Data Tracking

We do not track IP addresses, cookies, or any other personal information. Your privacy is our priority.

7. Secure Environment

We provide a secure environment to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data.

8. Third-Party Services

We may integrate third-party services to enhance your experience. These services may have their own privacy policies.

9. Cookie Policy

We use cookies to improve your browsing experience. You can manage cookie preferences through your browser settings.

10. User Rights

You have the right to access, correct, or delete your information. Contact us for any requests related to your data.

11. Updates to Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically. Users will be notified of changes through the website.

12. GDPR Compliance

As part of our commitment to user privacy, we comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This includes providing a lawful basis for processing personal data and respecting user rights regarding their data.

13. CPRA Compliance

We also adhere to the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA). This includes providing users with the right to correct inaccurate personal information and ensuring compliance with the regulations set forth by CPRA.

14. Contact Information

For any inquiries or concerns regarding your privacy, you can reach out to us through the following:

15. Google AdSense

Our website uses Google AdSense, a third-party advertising service provided by Google Inc. AdSense may use cookies to serve personalized ads based on your interests and previous interactions. These cookies allow Google and its partners to show ads based on your visits to our site and other sites on the Internet.

You can opt-out of personalized advertising by visiting Ad Settings. For more information about how Google uses data when you use our website and how to control your information, please visit Google's Privacy & Terms page.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need further clarification about our privacy practices.

Thank you for choosing Tool Sphere!